This page refers to content now obsolete to the union.
School representatives, or ambassadors, were union-elected roles in use until October 2021, who yielded the responsibility of maintaining contact with union members at Ottawa schools, as well as providing motivation, encouragement, and engagement to union members at their school, and advocate for and lead recruitment efforts at their respective schools. Representatives were responsible for reporting their efforts and communicating with Presidents and Directors of Recruitment on the union's affairs within their respective schools.
Representatives were disbanded in October 2021, and later replaced entirely with the existing PR and PL executive roles. Some schools with low student populations did not hold elections for the position of Representative, and were instead appointed by the President. |
Lisgar Collegiate Institute
Ridgemont High School
Hillcrest High School
Colonel By Secondary School
Bell High School
Earl of March Secondary School
Merivale High School
John McCrae Secondary School
Elmwood School